RELS 108- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 44 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Spirituality existed before religion, started with questions, then proposed explanations: human experiences, such as sufferings, death, etc. The beginnings of spirituality were rooted in the needs to explain reality, the reasoning behind events in our lives. Fertility symbols: venus of willendorf, aides with fertility, promotes a power . Cave paintings: self-awareness of singular beings of the make-up of a similar beings. The treatment of the body after death: removal of brains, ex. , mummification. The compendium of charaka: the tree priorities: life itself (surviving, gather what is needed to sustain life (agriculture, develop a spiritual life that transcends 1 and 2 (death) The sacred set apart, forbidden, outside of worldly existence, collective. Mircea eliade- romanian historian of religion (1907-1986: picks up where durkheim left off. Hierophany- manifestation of the sacred/blur the lines. Who am i? (nature of the self) How did i get here? (origin story/ creation) Who are you? (nature of the other)