PSYC 304 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Learning Theory, John Bowlby, Behaviorism

120 views4 pages
13 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Definition of life span = concept of human development as a lifelong process. Key concepts of life-span development: focuses on the scientific study of the systematic processes of change and stability in people. Plasticity: shown in many aspects of development, modifiability of performance. Many abilities, such as memory, strength, and endurance can be improved with practice. Multi-directionality: as people gain in one area, they may lose in another (pg. Multiple causation: influences of biology and culture shift over the life span. Historical contexts: each person develops within multiple contexts circumstances or conditions defined in part by maturation and in part by time and place. Lifelong: development is a lifelong process of change. Each period of the lifespan is affected by what happened before and will affect what is to come. Multi-dimensional (physical, cognitive, psychosocial): it occurs along multiple interacting dimensions.