[BIOL 151] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 16 pages long Study Guide!

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7 Feb 2017

Document Summary

If results are not consistent, reject or revise hypothesis. If results are consistent over many experiments, hypothesis becomes a theory. Characteristics of living organisms: complex, able to change in response to environment, able to reproduce, have the capacity to reproduce. Energy in the form of sunlight or food is taken up by organisms. All organisms convert energy into heat and work (output energy) No evergy is created or detroyed in the. The degree of disorder in the universe tends to. Heat is released into the environment to offset the decrease in entropy inside the cell. Concept of entropy -> chaos; is always increasing: high energy, low entropy, francesco redi experimentation. Maggots in jar, see if it came from meat: louis pasteur. Experimented pasteurization with straight neck flask and a swan-neck flask. The cell is the simplest entity that can exist as an independent unit of life: neurons are one, single long cell; longest neuron is in the leg.