PSY-2150 Final: Final Exam Study Guide

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For this reason we have : counterbalancing--a procedure in which the order of conditions is varied so that no condition has an overall advantage relative to the other conditions, determining the number of conditions. Subject variable--a personal characteristic on which individuals vary from one another: **natural groups is a correlational study (according to book) because no manipulation, random assignment--used to determine condition each participant will be assigned to (goal- Sensitization--exposure to multiple conditions increases participants" awareness or sensitivity to the variable that is being experimentally manipulated: practice effect--performance improvement due to greater experience with a task. Anova can be used; moreover, there is only one step to perform-- directly compare the two conditions: **when a single-factor experiment has 3 or more conditions, then the analysis may have several steps. Perform an anova to determine whether overall pattern of findings is statistically significant.