NSC-2201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nmda Receptor, Adenylyl Cyclase, Chemical Synapse

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Goal-directed = a form of attention guided by current instructions or intentions top-down or endogenous a. i. 1. Stimulus-driven = capture of attention via salient or rare events . Tpj, mfg ventral: paradigms for studying goal v. stimulus b. i. Stimulus driven = flat slope of reaction times. Goal driven = reaction time directly proportional to set size b. i. 2. a. Posner cueing paradigm b. ii. 1. b. ii. 2. b. ii. 3. b. ii. 4. b. ii. 5. Accuracy best with valid cue, worst with invalid cue. Inhibition of return = impairment in accuracy & reaction time from 500-3000msec following exogenous bottom up cue b. iii. Attentional blink = idea that you have a refractory period after detecting one stimulus before you can detect the 2nd b. iii. 1. b. iii. 2. Seen in rsvp: what does attention do, really? c. i. Enhancement: increased firing rate of neuron for preferred stimulus c. ii. Sharper tuning: narrowing of tuning curve for preferred stimuli c. ii. 1. Altered tuning: shift in tuning curve for preferred stimuli to center on c. iii. 1.