EES-1030L Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Photic Zone, Zooplankton, Chemosynthesis

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Autotrophs (phytoplankton - photosynthesis) vs heterotrophs (zooplankton - respiration) Zooplankton - clear, red, larger, more complex structure, eyes. Algae blooms: good because base of largest food web, important in global cycle. Bad because they take away oxygen and create dead zones. Primary productivity - rate at which energy is converted by photosynthetic and chemosynthetic autotrophs to organic substances. Larger surface area leads to better able to catch light. Euphotic zone = ability to conduct photosynthesis. Gpp: adding the two (total amount of oxygen produced) End of the photic zone is when gpp =0. Npp: photosynthesis - respiration (diff between oxygen produced and consumed) Nutrient supply, water clarity and water temperature change when gpp and npp = 0. Compensation depth = photosynthesis - respiration (npp=0) Tropical ocean will have a deeper compensation depth than polar ocean far from land because of access to light.