BSCI-1510L Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Juniperus Virginiana, Ulmus Americana, Catkin

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Define the following terms as they are used in a botanical context: opposite leaf arrangement, alternate leaf arrangement, fruit, leaf margin, catkin, bract, petal, axillary, bud, apex, leaf lobes, leaf teeth. Opposite leaf arrangement leaves are arranged so that two leaves arise from the stem at the same point on opposite sides. Alternate leaf arrangement leaves appear on different points on the stem. Fruit seed-bearing structure formed in the ovary after flowering, normally fleshy product. Leaf flattened structure, normally green, that is attached to a stem or via a stalk to a plant. Margin boundary area extended along the edge of the leaf, basically edge of the leaf. Catkin flowering spike of trees, no petals, unisex flowers on drooping stem. Bract modified leaf that is surrounding a flower, poinsettia is the bract. Petal brightly colored part of flower surrounding the reproductive organs, modified leaf. Bud compact, knoblike part of plant that can grow into a leaf, shoot, or flower.