SOC 160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Basal Body Temperature, Condom, Emergency Contraception

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Human sexuality- exam 2 review (chapters 3, 7-10) The patch- ortho evra, 1 per week for 3 weeks, 1 week without patch, estrogen and progestin, higher risk of side effects due to higher levels of hormones than the pill. The ring- nuvaring, insert and leave in for 3 weeks, no ring for 1 week, then new ring, estrogen and progestin. Seasonale- 84 days of pill, 7 days off. Triphasic pills- not constant levels of hormones, more similar to natural hormone cycles. Emergency contraception- plan b, morning after pill, high dose of birth control pills, most effective 12-24 hours after intercourse, must be used within 120 hours, prevent ovulation, inhibit sperm function, prevent fertilization, inhibit endometrium, not an abortion. Depo provera injections- progestin only, inhibits ovulation, thickens cervical mucus, inhibits growth of endometrium, injection every 3 months, slightly better than the pill. Male condom- prevents sti"s, latex, lambskin, polyurethane, spermicide coated (not always more effective), oil and vasoline break down condom.