SOC 160 Study Guide - Jennifer Bishop, Paraphilia, Fetishism

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Statistical definition: abnormal sexual behavior = rare, not practiced by many: ex: standing on your hands while having sex. Sociological approach: abnormal sexual behavior = violates society"s norms: depends on the culture you"re part of. Psychological approach: arnold buss" 3 criteria of abnormality: (1) discomfort (2) inefficiency (3) bizarrness culturally defined. Medical approach: (dsm-iv) eight paraphilias distinguishing normal/abnormal: paraphilia: recurring, unconventional sexual behavior that is obsessive and compulsive. Frotteurism sexual rubbing against a woman in a crowd. 1) have occurred over at least 6 months. Normal/abnormal sexual behavior are on a continuum: people can have fetishes (only abnormal when extreme) Fetishis m: a person"s sexual fixation on some object other than another human being and attachment of great erotic significance to that object: fetish item usually something close to the body (clothing) Media and form fetishes (inanimate object fetishes: media fetish: a fetish whose object is anything made of a particular substance, such as leather (ex: leather fetish)