SOC 160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pederasty, Symbolic Interactionism, Gender Role

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Socialization- what you learn from your parents; quality may not be good. African azande women cause use phallus made of wooden root to masturbate but if they get caught their. Ethnocentrism- tendency to say one"s own ethnic group and culture is superior to others. No female orgasm existent and male on top position is only position allowed. Boy hears of masturbation age 7, age 13 slit made in penis for manhood then 2 wks late he has sex with a woman. Highly eroticized culture but culture is gender segregated and women have weaker sex drive. Men are expected to have homosexual relations for 10 years but then have a heterosexual relationship> they use operant conditioning to reinforce this husbands can beat them. Innis beag (off coast of ireland) no knowledge of sex ed. Sex education in college started about 30 years ago. Experience- friends beliefs and what their norms and evaluations are.