SOC 134 Study Guide - Final Guide: Voting Rights Act Of 1965, Literacy Test, White Primaries

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Final exam review outline: 11b: voting rights. Gerrymandering is a form of redistribution in which electoral district or constituency boundaries are deliberately modified for electoral advantage. Descriptive representation representatives whose background mirrors their constituents: ex blacks representing blacks. Political consequences of felon disenfranchisement in the u. s. : 12a: crime and victimization. Media coverage, public opinion, and crime rates: media coverage, has little to do with crime rates focuses on crimes least likely to occur (most interesting, ex from tv news in la from 1995 to 1997. Victimization rate according to department of justice data. 54: public opinion and crime rates since 1982 an increasing amount of the population says crime is the most important problem in society, 5% in 1982-1992 to 25% in 1996. Violent and property crime trends: property crimes, make up over 75% of all crimes (although its declining, ex.