SOC 134 Midterm: Exam 2 study guide

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Exam 2 review outline: part iii: current issues, 7b: residential and school segregation. Measures the amount of segregation between 2 groups in a city, most common method of measure. Measures proportion of each group s population in each of a city s neighborhoods. Ranges from 0 to 1, where higher # s represent more segregation. Less than . 3 is low, . 3-. 6 moderate, greater than . 6 is high. Minorities are much more likely to live in poor neighborhoods. Black neighborhood median income: 70% that of whites. # of high poverty areas have doubled since. 4/5 most concentrated poverty cities are in midwest: White flight from neighborhood schools, and minority preferences, unitary schools with within-school segregation. Study found that school segregation has increased since 1986. Trends in neighborhood and school diversity as ses increases, families move into better neighborhoods- blacks face barriers to spatial mobility. Barriers to spatial mobility are barriers to social mobility.