SOC 134- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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Phenotype: observable traits (hair, skin, height, etc. ) Genotype: genetic constitution of an individual; the sum total f genes transmitted from parent to offspring. * not one single gene distinguishes all members of a racial group from all members of another racial group. * of the small amount of total human genetic variation, approx. * of the small amount of total human genetic variation, 85% can be found within any local population. * most genetic traits are inherited independently of one another. Constructed according to specific social and historical contexts. Ethnicity: a symbolic category based on shared culture, lifestyle, and history. Individualist fallacy: reduces racism the realm of individual ideas and prejudices (neglects institutional racism) Legalistic fallacy: assumes that abolishing racist laws effectively abolishes racism (brown v. board) Tokenistic fallacy: assumes that presence of people of color in influential positions is evidence that racism no longer exists.