PSYCH 202 Study Guide - Psych, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Likert Scale

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Ideas and theories are put up to the test to see if they hold up, when they hold up, and how they hold up. The empirical process based on theories, hypothesis, and research- see the book. Descriptive research method a. b. c. d. e. Case studies: careful description based on repeated observations. Surveys: a descriptive research method of sampling populations. Implies a correlation method (finding if things are related without necessarily saying how or what makes it). Experimental methods- controlling variables and trying to make causal distinctions. Correlation designs --> examine how variables are related. 5. produces a three dimensional map of functional processes in the body. a. Mri (magnetic resonance imaging)- shows images inside a body. Fmri (functional magnetic resonance imaging)- looks at where blood flow is going. Hypothesis: racism played a role in the shooting. Fmri shows that so some subjects, unfamiliar black faces activate the amygdale (the part of the brain that deals with fears/threats)