POLI SCI 106 Midterm: MidtermReview

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Focuses on domestic policies in the us. Political thought, meaning of terms such as rights , justice , and freedom . Analysis of politics and governments in countries around the world. How they work and influence policy or other outcome of interest. Actions of gov. , interaction of gov. and society, conflicts and how they"re resolved, Types of questions in the study of politics. What will happen? (will china become a democracy?) Description of events (necessary when we know little of a subject) Red text : most questions in political science derive from these. Voters choose candidates that implement policies that make them individually better off. Voters choose candidates composed of people who are like them . Electoral systems and rules favor some candidates/parties. Tunisia only democracy of the region for now. Some nations knew what to do and helped citizens, others just took goods for themselves. Prefer explanations that account for more variation.