NUTR SCI 132 Study Guide - Phase Problem, Hypoglycemia, Feces

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Ecological perspective: study of the flow of nutrients and energy, food chain. Rapidly absorbed in blood stream: complex. Made up of polymers of sugar chains of simple sugar molecules that are linked together. Provide long lasting source of energy: fat, supplies energy for exercise at low intensity, contains calories measure of energy content, body stores excess energy as fat, contain phospholipids and sterols. Energy: body needs energy for movement, growth, function etc, stored in chemical bonds, metabolism releases this energy from foods, found in macronutrients (cid:149) micronutrients, nutrients that we need in tiny amounts, essential (cid:149, vitamins, 2 groups. Soluble in fat a, d, e, Soluble in water c: organic contain carbon, minerals, inorganic don"t contain carbon, major needed in large amounts, trace need in very small amounts. Phytochemicals: large group of chemical produced by plants, contribute to flavor, aroma, and texture of food and have health benefits.