NUTR SCI 132 Study Guide - Final Guide: American Academy Of Pediatrics, Low Birth Weight, Dietary Fiber

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Anti-oxidants are not a cause of damage to dna. Radiation, carcinogens, and free radical oxygen are causes of damage to dna. Genistein), do not reduce cancer risk by preventing bacterial. Genistein), reduce cancer risk by: acting as anti-hormones, blocking angiogenesis, acting as an anti-oxidant. Plants are more chemically diverse than animals because: plants lack an immune system, plants lack the motility to avoid herbivores, plants must attract pollinating insects. In bone, osteoblasts serve to build bone by laying down matriix & mineral. Remodeling: allows bone to reshape itself in response to stress, allows bone to heal injuries, allows bone to be a calcium reservoir. When blood calcium levels drop: vitamin d stimulates increased calcium absorption, osteoblasts dissolve bone, bone resorption increases. When blood calcium levels are high: more bone formation, decreased absorption of calcium from the gut, osteoblasts take up calcium from the blood. Remodeling does not allow bone to grow throughout life.