NUTR SCI 132- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 64 pages long!)

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C, e, beta carotene (gave these to people to see if they would get less cancer, people who were given beta carotene got slightly more cancer) Only source of calories that is not a nutrient. We make ourself out of nutrients and we fuel ourself out of nutrients. Voluntary actions- heartbeat, breathing, chemical reactions- no direct control over any of these things. Vitamin x cures headaches bc it did for one person and only one person) Applying one individual"s experience to your situation, and it may or may not apply. Ex. you take a supplement that you already have enough of and it begins to cause problems. In a large population, there"s variation to exposure. Humans are almost genetically identical to hunter gatherers. People want a variety in their diet, need all micronutrients and vitamins/minerals. Cows, sheep, goats etc. have enzyme that can break down cellulose, humans do not have this enzyme.