LINGUIS 101- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Not a specific language, just the study of language(s) generally. Use and significance of language in society and culture. How children learn language (naturally over time/by listening) How humans process languages (naturally ^ ) *first 5 are just examples, this course is about general (theoretical) linguistics -- see below* Question 1: what are some careers that utilize linguistics? (answers at end of notes) Linguistics- the scientific study of the structure of human language. Set of knowledge/rules/concepts which allow you to speak and understand language. People aren"t consciously aware of many rules of mental grammar that they apply every day in speech. Doesn"t have to be taught explicitly, children just learn it through exposure- it"s automatic. Phonetics- the study of speech sounds themselves. Phonology- how sounds pattern in language and are (cognitively) organized in our mind. Semantics- the meaning of words and sentences. Descriptive- goal is to discover the rules people actually know about (their) language and describe them.