ILS 206 Final: 1 Review

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Cruelty well used; cesare borgia as an example- romiro de"orca. Using another to do ones dirty work, than killing him to make you look the hero. If cruelty is going to be done, do it all at once. It is politically moral to use cruelty, but not privately moral. Italy in machiavelli"s day: italy is divided, the pope, france and spain are all trying to gain power. Machiavelli wanted a united italy, but it didn"t happen. He is a teacher of evil: cunning, duplicity, bad faith, immoral. He needed work: writes the prince for the prince (medici) to get work. He is an italian patriot: he wants to free italy from the medici barbarians. He is a republican: in the discourses machiavelli talks about how beneficial republics are. He would rather have a republic than a prince rule. He wants italy unified under a pri nce, and with separate republics. When given power, people become tyrants, thus princes are bad.