GEOG 339 Midterm: Exam I Review Guide

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24 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Paul ehrlich: environmental determinist; nature sets limits within which human society functions. Population is growing to exceed carrying capacity of planet and cannot continue to grow unchecked. Julian simon: technological optimist; people compare the present and future to an ideal state of affairs rather than actual. Thomas malthus: political economist exponential vs. arithmetic increases: over generation, lose support to sustain ourselves neo-malthusian: advocate population control programs, to ensure resources for current and future populations. Pleistocene overkill hypothesis: megafauna disappeared from lands within 1,000 years of established human presence on new lands. ~14,000 years ago, bering land bridge opened up, large amount of native american population came to north. Columbian exchange: over a span of 300 years, europe exported more than 60 million people around the world. They brought ideas, new technologies, biota, and diseases with them. Occurred between the 15th and 16th centuries. beaver fur trade: europeans had a major impact on the societal and economic structure of native americans.