ENVIR ST 368 Study Guide - Section 301 Of The Trade Act Of 1974, Dump Truck, Local Ordinance

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Jurisdiction applies to truly navigable waters susceptible to interstate commerce. Ac publishes the notices of these applications and provides to mailing list (anyone who asks to be on the mailing list) Ac criteria for issuing permits (ac public interest review): **all applicants of any permit from here on out (as well as environmental groups, organizations affected by decision) has the right to judicial review. Under clean water act, there"s a provision that says that the federal gov"t cannot issue permit that federal permit is void. Applies to r and h act permits as well as others. Clean water act section 404 (1) discharge (2) fill material (3) from a point source (4) to waters of the united states. Applies to water pollution that: (1) discharge (2) of a pollutant (3) from a point source (4) into a water of the united states. Cwa applies to navigable waters but defines it more openly.