ED PSYCH 331 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Psychoanalysis, Menarche, Anorexia Nervosa

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Document Summary

The following is an outline of topics to help organize your preparation for the exam. There may be information on the exam that is not on this outline for which you are still accountable. In addition to knowing the information outlined below, reviewing the various summary-type tables throughout the chapters will be helpful in your preparation as well. The multiple-choice exam will cover both the readings and lectures. Be sure to bring along two sharpened pencils. On exam day, students who arrive at the classroom after a completed exam has been turned in will not be permitted to take the exam. Therefore, it is imperative that you arrive to the classroom on time for the exam. Terms: growth-development, nature-nurture, continuity-discontinuity, active-passive, critical- sensitive period, universality-diversity, qualitative-quantitative. Have a general understanding of the following developmental perspectives and corresponding theories: (pages 12-18)