COMP SCI 302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Java Syntax, White-Box Testing, Test Harness

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Instead, the steps required to solve the problem are described in english or pseudo-code: identification or definition questions require you to use your knowledge of terminology to select the best answers or explain the importance of concepts. What to prepare for: exam officially covers all of exam 1 & 2 material, plus chapters 10, 11, 13, 15, 16 & 17, (look on webpage for sections), codelab, weekly labs, and programming assignments 1-4. Read those sections of the textbook; don"t memorize examples but understand them. If you do those two things, you are well on your way: form a study group; email me or the class if you are confused. If you email me a stupid question, i"ll be happy to answer it. It is better you ask me than i see you get it wrong on the exam: old exams will again be posted on learn@uw. Take a look at them and ask questions about them.