CS&D 110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Roundedness, Feis, Voiceless Alveolar Fricative

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Articulatory Phonetics
-How speech sounds are produced in the vocal tract
Difference between Consonants and Vowels
-Consonants (involve some constriction of airflow)
-Vowels (do not)
Describing Consonants
-Place of articulation
-Manner of articulation
-What are the vocal folds doing
-Voiceless sound (p,s/air through open vocal folds)
-Voiced sound (b,z/air through vibrating vocal folds)
Place of articulation
-Where the constriction of airflow takes place
-bilabial (p,b,m/both lips come together)
-labiodental (f,v/upper teeth and lower lip come together)
-interdental (tongue in between upper and lower teeth)
-alveolar (t,d,s/tongue at or near the ridge behind the upper front teeth)
-palatal (front hard palate or roof of the mouth)
-velar (k,g/at velum or soft palate)
-glottal (h/at glottis or the space between the vocal folds)
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