COM ARTS 352 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ossessione, Boudu, Patent Pool

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30 Oct 2014

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If you find this study guide helpful, please leave a positive rating. Eadweard muybridge: known primarily for using multiple cameras to capture motion and his zoopraxiscope, a device for projecting motion pictures, stop motion of a horse galloping. Jules marey: found a way to record several phases of movements in one photo (flying pelican, said that a galloping horse for a brief moment had all four hooves off the ground, which was proven by. Zoetrope: device that produces an illusion of action from a rapid succession of static pictures (the equivalent of a motion picture, earliest elementary zoetrope was created in china around 180 ad, modern zoetrope invented in 1833 by. Kinetoscope: exhibition device, resembling a peep show . Thomas edison: bought the vitascope (1896) and used his celebrity to promote it. Latham loop : allowed motion picture companies to make films that were longer than 50 feet.