CHEM 343 : Introduction to Organic Chemistry

172 views66 pages
30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

These notes are taken from whitlock"s 343 class in fall 2007. These topics are shown by the tabs across the top (for onenote users) and just in page order for pdf. (following this page is a table of contents to help you out. ) Within each section, the notes are organized according to the date of lecture. There are three separate sections from the class notes: important concepts, practice problems, and practice. Important concepts is organized by chapter per book. Practice problems is also organized by book chapter. Exams are organized by the corresponding exam in class. These are concepts, ideas, problems, etc. that appeared on exams, problem sets, etc. You will most likely be tested on these. Words on the side written in light green ink or highlighted denote definitions. Words highlighted in pink are equations to memorize. Words on the side in purple ink are hints and tips for the class.