BIOLOGY 151 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pleiotropy, Binary Logarithm, Ecdysozoa

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We have already identified about 2 million species. Darwin- mystery of mysteries is how to explain the similarities between organisms, and still account for each of their uniqueness. *the only thing that makes sense in biology is evolution. Darwin- influenced by greek philosophy; scala naturae is the natural scale - a hierarchy. Linnaeus- founder of taxonomy, each species is perfect and designed for a specific purpose. Erasmus darwin- darwin"s grandfather, things change over time; Cuvier- paleontologist (studied fossils), strata- layers of rocks, catastrophism- developed each layer, gradualism, uniformitarianism- mechanisms of change are constant over time. Lyell- (with hutton) geologist, changes are made over a long period of time. Lamark- felt-need , acquiring traits to give advantage to organism and will pass these traits on; blacksmith has big strong arms, kids also have strong arms (not from being passed on genetically its from working alongside father) Increased survival of traits= passed on (lamark)