ANTHRO 104 : week 1 miller

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Some consider it to be a science: a form of inquiry that involves first the formulation of a hypothesis and then observation or testing the hypothesis. Some pursue a humanistic approach, which is a subjective way of understanding humanity through the study of peoples art, music, & symbolic expression. No matter what perspective is pursued, anthropology seeks to produce new knowledge. Primatology: study of nonhuman members of primates. Paleoanthropology: study of human evolution on basis of fossil record. Contemporary human biological variation: define, measure and seek to explain differences in the biological makeup and behavior of contemporary humans: archaeology/prehistory. Study of the old but the old is limited to human culture. Goes back to beginnings of homo sapiens or the earliest. Concerns the human past before written records. Deals with human past in societies that have written documents. Devoted to study of communication, mainly among humans. Historical linguistics: study of language change over time and how languages are related.