AN SCI 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Beehive, Sepsis, Eggnog

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Post processing contamination? (2) good bacteria: lactic acid, spoilage organism (smells, know the meat is no good) (3) bad bacteria: salmonella, e. coli, c. Feeding fiber produces acetic acid and methane! (c) note: in 2005, there were 6089 tg co2 produced in us. If you look total emissions in terms of. Most of us don"t meet our rda for biotin: determining nutrient needs, essential nutrients: (40 of these) are required. Prisoners of war in ww2 developed deficiency of thionine and had seizures, come, etc as a result of the block of glucose breakdown. Also new research directed at biofuels. (b) ruminants: bacterial symbiosis (2) feathers and hair can"t be digested (3) insoluble minerals can"t be digested (a) iron sulfate: available form of iron. Keep wild birds from eating crops (bird resistant mylo) but then crops are fed to chickens uhoh: imbalances (1) zinc and copper: copper is very overlooked, has to do with iron deficiency.