ASCI 001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Zoonosis, Institutional Animal Care And Use Committee, Escherichia Coli

70 views3 pages
15 Sep 2016

Document Summary

A species in which the evolutionary process has been influenced by humans to meet their needs. It has been selectively bred in captivity and thereby genetically modified from its ancestors. Easily supplied diet largely herbivore and not expensive to feed. Low tendency to panic not overly flighty so can be worked with. Relatively short time to attain breeding age allows for genetic selection by humans. Breed in captivity some animals hard to breed in confinement. Modifiable social structure herd behavior and dominance hierarchy: what are three of the five basic freedoms prescribed by the farm animal welfare. D: more than momentary of slight pain/distress relieved by analgesia. Replacement: using a lesser animal or something else. Reduction: using less animals but still able to answer question posed. A disease that effects both animals and humans. Ex: salmonella, rabies, e. coli: define the following terms: Free stall: groups of cows with community stall . Heifer: cow that has not yet produced a calf.