RELG 2650 Midterm: Midterm Review Guide

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Principles and metaphors in bioethics, nonmaleficence: do no harm , beneficence: benefit others , utility: balance good and bad effects , respect for autonomy d. i. There"s a need to balance this with beneficence (and within a caring context: nonmaleficence v beneficence, hard and soft paternalism. Probability of serious harm is sufficient by itself (whether or not it is the means or ends of a person"s decision) Harder to justify because it violates the respect for someone"s autonomy. There"s probability of serious harm, but also defects, encumbrances, and limitations in deciding, willing, or acting (person deciding doesn"t have his or her full capacity to decide rationally) Someone"s actions are not voluntary: models of doctor-patient relationships (by childress & siegler) g. i. Paternal model now inadequate to discern values of health relative to other values g. ii. Partnership a more normative model (a desirable model that isn"t actually in practice), the patient doesn"t always understand what is best, hard to actually act interdependently g. iii.