EVSC 2800 Study Guide - Final Guide: Epicenter, Mercalli Intensity Scale, Richter Magnitude Scale

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Geology exam two study guide direction of the path of travel of the wave. P waves travel about 14 times the speed of sound waves in air. S waves are shear waves because they push their material at right angles to their path of travel. S waves only pass through solids, and therefore have to travel through earth"s interior. S waves travel at about half the speed of p waves. Also called secondary waves because they arrive after the primary waves at the observing station. Surface waves need a free surface to ripple, much like the waves on the ocean. One type of surface wave sets up a rolling motion on the ground, the other type shakes the ground sideways with no vertical motion (like a slithering snake). Surface waves are slightly slower than s waves. Surface waves cause a lot of damage to buildings.