BIOL 3000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sodium Chloride, Action Potential, Operon

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Maintain environment different from outside capable of interacting with other cells perform fundamental functions of life-basically none can perform all function determined by proteins they make cells only arise from pre-existing cells. All cells have in common: plasma membrane: acts as barrier to separate internal environment from outer, also determines what comes in and goes out of cell genome: dna-codes directly only for rna and proteins. Information transfer: non-genetic-signaling-sense environmental changes to change internal functions: ex: extracellular growth factors- when there is a wound, platelets migrate to wound site and triggered division to make up for loss of cell. Unicellular-no need for cell to cell communication single compartment. Metabolic diversity disadvantages- cannot specialize as they only have one cell but need to maintain metabolic diversity and respond to environmental changes. Mesophiles: eubacteria-true bacteria living in normal temperatures, can be pathogens to us such as pylori in gastric and bacteria that change strains often.