PSYC 475 Quiz: Test One Review Guide

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

She believed in a sociocultural interpretation of adolescence. Legislation passed laws that prevented adolescences entrance into the workplace. Social policy is the national government s course of action designed to influence the welfare of its citizens. American policy benson argues focuses to much on development deficits and not enough on strengths. Having a marriage partner selected by your parents (asian. Cognitive: brain continues growth (amydala matures first then prefrontal cortex) Entry: body maturation, testes drop/menarche begins, pubic hair develops. New term to describe age between adolescence & adulthood. The nature vs. nurture argument is based around which influences a person more the genes or the environment. The nature argument states that genes play a deciding role in a persons development. Continuity is the belief that the adolescent transition to adulthood is like an oak tree and is a gradual process.