PSYC 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Preformationism, Meiosis, Mitosis

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

This list of topics is meant as a guide to focus your studying for the exam. Several questions may be asked on each topic; therefore, you should be familiar with the details and overall concepts associated with each of them. Chapter 1: history, theory, and research strategies: goals of developmental theory, major issues in developmental psychology (nature vs. nurture, etc. , foundations of developmental psychology (preformationism through freud, developmental research designs (longitudinal, cross-sectional, etc. ) Chapter 2: biological and environmental foundations: genetic foundations of development (dna, mitosis, meiosis, etc. , sex determination, twins, patterns of genetic inheritance, genetic environmental relationships. Behavioral genetics, genetic environmental correlations, etc: the epigenetic framework. Chapter 3: prenatal development: the period of the zygote (blastocyst, amnion, chorion, etc. , the period of the embryo. Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm; emergence of the senses: the period of the fetus, environmental influences (teratogens, prenatal monitoring techniques, the film in the womb .