PSYC 110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Circadian Rhythm, Delta Wave, Microsleep

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Stroop effect is difficulty in selectively attending to the colors of inks and ignoring words written in those colors (ex. word red in green ink) One explanation is that reading is an automatic process, not readily subject to your conscious control. Monitoring keeping track of internal mental processes, personal behavior, and the environment to maintain self-awareness. Information that could easily become conscious but that is not continuously available (ex. being asked about your bedroom layout, you don"t always think about but can recall it) Subliminal perception is a preconscious processing of information that is thus below the level of conscious awareness of that information. Preservation and protection is a view in which it was an adaptive function to prevent the normal activities of being awake and roaming where the individual is at greatest risk. The circadian rhythms are cycles that last about 24 hours in humans and other species.