POLS 300 Study Guide - Strappado, Compas, Political Philosophy

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

When and where was machiavelli writing? late 1400s/early 1500s in florence. Took advantage of citizens was corrupt: describe machiavelli"s career as a public servant. Medici saw him as a trader and sent him to an ancestral farm where he wrote works of philosophy. He learned that torture would become a very effective tool. Was the longest job application of all time and was a guide on how to be an effective prince; mach thought they"d think he had a great political mind and would allow him back to florence. Is it okay for a prince to break a promise?) However, you should be feared and not hated. It is important to be properly armed; you should never let thoughts stray from military because a war is always coming you should use peace as a time to prepare for next war. Mercenary army army that you pay; only loyal to whoever is writing the check.