MATH 113 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fibonacci Number, Natural Number, Law And Justice

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Exam 1 material: natural numbers, the set, or collection, of all natural numbers is denoted n. : natural whole numbers. (1, 2, 3, 4 ) (not 0, -1, -17, , , , e, sqrt( 2). Pigeonhole principle there is at least one box containing at least two objects. If we are to place n+1 objects into n boxes, then are defined as: f1. Fibonacci numbers: if n is any natural number with n>2, (the nth fibonacci number) then fn=fn-1+fn-2 , given any natural number n, we can write n as a sum of disctinct nonconsecutive fibonacci. Numbers: fn/fn-1 = ( they approach this number which is 1. 618, golden ratio: = (1 + sqrt(5) )/ 2 a number of the form 1, 2, 3, 4 (all natural numbers) , 0, -1, -2, -3, -4 ( negative. The collection of all intergers is denoted z: the division algorithm so that m=n q+r and 0 r n-1, examples: