JREM 466 Study Guide - Inta, Kodak, Shaky Camera

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Exam one: tuesday, september 27 (two weeks from today: presentation will be on the exam (using the body as a medium of self-expression, september 22nd. Study guide: september 16 on bb: review september 20th, come prepared with questions, define the terms; have examples; what it relates to, go through reading guides o, essay will include ideology and hegemony. Spectacular society: society organized on image, embodiment of consumption, bratz doll case study, modeling consumption, commodity fetishism, consumption orientation vs production orientation, commodity feminism, packaging feminism for consumption, connecting commodities to values. Implications: corporate elites, feels natural, so we accept it, we can challenge it, critiques of consumer culture, commodities made abroad. Today: what is medium theory, three types. Media ecology: modes of information, how new technology changes social relations. ***what are the 3 general types of illiteracies outlined by meyrowitz: the idea that we can informed and intelligent in the media content that is presented to us, content.