HIST 242 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Totalitarianism, Crimean War, Congo Free State

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Word to the wise: knowing in advance what questions/maps might be on the exam is a big plus. Downside: since you have the questions in advance, my expectations about content and organization of your answers are pretty high. This means that i will have little patience with vague/general answers that fail to provide specific and precise details (names, dates, places, etc. ). All short questions can be easily answered by reviewing the textbook and your notes. The essay questions have also been discussed in class and during discussion. Short questions: for the exam, i will pick three questions from the list below, and you will need to answer two of them. Each answer should be 1-2 paragraphs (not sentences!) long: what were the major differences between the enlightenment in france, great. The s/t cause was the financial crisis in the 1780s.