GEOL 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nicolas Steno, James Hutton, Geocentric Model

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Lecture 2: science: the process of describing the material universe by using repeatable observations (resampling) *just because something can"t be repeated doesn"t mean it"s unscientific: hypothesis- idea or truth not initially known (cid:300)pattern you"ve noticed(cid:301) *not an educated guess, cannot be proven-> must be falsifiable: theory- universal explanation for a set of observations and hypotheses; a statement of process, hypothesis vs. *occur when a simpler explanation is found; or there are more numbers of observations found that are inconsistent with the theory. *ex: ptolemaic geocentrism: parsimony- a simpler explanation is found. Lecture 3: nicolas steno- principles of stratigraphy; steno"s laws, geology is a separate field-> antiquity of earth, carolus linnaeus-father of modern taxonomy, james hutton- (cid:300)father of geology(cid:301), discovered uniformitarianism and the rock. *cross-cutting relationships: georges cuvier-extinction, catastrophism (produces new organisms so opposed to evolution), stratigraphy & faunal succession, william smith- first country-wide geological map, faunal succession, charles darwin- evolution by natural selection, (cid:300)gilded age of paleontology(cid:301) ->