GEOG 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sundaland, Wallacea, Landfall

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Directions: use the study guide to assist in your preparations for the exam. Do not rely solely on the study guide to prepare for the exam. Bring the study guide to the last class before the final for a review session. Blackboard to ask questions and offer answers that come up as you study. Don"t e-mail questions to dr. g. ---ask them in class or on the discussion board. Be sure to review all lecture notes, readings, and handouts. It is the area directly under china that was formed and is still forming from the collision of the earth"s plates from india crashing into china and forming the himalayan mts. Sundaland is the area that is now under water that did create a land bridge too many se asia countries and china. Wallacea was the deep ocean trench that separated sunaland and sahulland: the average lowland air temperatures in southeast asia are .