CFS 210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Aging Brain, Semantic Memory, Heredity

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

This study guide includes everything in yellow from her study guide slides, but condensed, worded in ways that are easier to understand and remember, with added explanations and examples, etc. Education, life experience, reading, travel, social interaction with a diversity of people. There can be more than one correct answer - requires reflective thinking and answers can vary situationally. Fluid - abstract thinking, able to quickly master new intellectual skills (:mazes) Overalll - iq or a factor of both ^ Cross-sequential studies are better than cross-sectional (compares people of different ages) or longitudinal (same individuals studied over period of time) Declines because of decline in cns and brain function. Lots of degrees and differences because influenced by biology (your body and what you do to it) and heredity. Cognitive pragmatics - remain more stable with aging. Jobs based on fluid intelligence and physical skills good for young 30"s. Jobs based on crystallized intelligence can be good in old age.