BUAD 341 Study Guide - Final Guide: Gurn, Stert, Asteroid Family

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Purpose- a onetime activity with well defined end results. Temporary-has a definite beginning and a definite end, hence a finite duration. Life cycle-projects evolve in steps-from a slow beginning they progress to a build-up of size, then peak, begin a decline and then must be terminated. Interdependencies- projects can interact with other projects with the same parent organization and most typically, with functional departments. Uniqueness-every project has elements that make it ungique, e. g. an office building has different owners, design, location, contractors, etc. Conflict-projects vs. functional dept. and project with respect to resources and personnel. Project manager: responsible to the parent organization, the client, the project team. Major challenges are selecting and motivating the personnel, dealing with obstacles, making project goal tradeoffs, communicating with all parties, and dealing with projects risks and potential failure. Good pm: technical/managerial background, credibility, good communication skills, organizational skills, negotiator, team builder, sensitive to political issues and ability to handle pressure.