AUSP 494 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mcgurk Effect, Intelligence Quotient, Lip Reading

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Asp 494 exam 2 review questions and answers. For most of the questions, i only type the correct answers (the bolded portion) for time"s sake and so the correct answer is the only item in the multiple-choice section of the test that makes sense and looks familiar. However, on questions that have you identify which statement is true or false, i type all of the options in case they show up in the true/false section. Or if a degree question (better-, most-, least-type question) is given, i typically type all of the answers since the correct choice is relative to the options given. Chapter 7 review questions: marcus jones has a significant hearing loss. Take it home, he said: john had the baseball. Log: the following item is included on a daily log: think about your communication interactions today. During the presentation, slides and overheads are used to supplement the talk.