ANTH 130 Study Guide - Postcolonialism, Structural Adjustment, Zande People

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For extra credit, you may view and review one of the ethnographic (or popular) films listed below. Write a 350-400 word essay (about three or four long paragraphs, or just over one-page, using double or one-and-a-half space). Two or three paragraphs should summarize the film. Also comment on what you thought was interesting. For the last paragraph, discuss how this film relates to one or more of this section"s themes: world systems, colonialism and postcolonialism, industrial production, development, or cultural survival. Tie in a specific idea from kottak or lecture. For kottak, provide a page reference in parentheses. For example, your summary of the idea (kottak 2007:253). At the top of the essay, provide your name, your ta"s name, and ant 130-pendry (single space). You can print it on one sheet using the front and back (to save paper). (if you have two sheets, make sure they"re stapled, and your name is on the second sheet. )