SOC-100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fecundity, Natural Environment, Sick Role

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Document Summary

Education: the social institution through which society provides its members important knowledge. Schooling: formal instruction under the direction of specially trained teachers. Structural-functional analysis: function of education: socialization, cultural innovation, social integration, social placement. Latent functions of schooling: child-care providers, occupies young people, marriage market, networks. Social conflict analysis: reinforcing status quo: social control, standardized testing, school tracking, school inequality. Access to higher education: money is largest stumbling block to higher education, family income is still best predictor for college attendance, those with the most schooling are likely to come from relatively well-off families to begin with. Problems in schools: discipline and violence, student passivity: bureaucracy (organization, government, Dmv) students don"t care: dropping out, academic standards, grade inflation. Bureaucracy: rigid uniformity, rigid expectations, little individual responsibility, numerical ratings, specialization. College: the silent classroom: passivity is also common among college and university students.