[REL 205] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (22 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Awareness of a supreme high god began during the 11th century bc. Zhou dynasty: this high god ruled over other gods and spirits. Recognition of multiple gods and spirits: polytheism and animism dominate early chinese religion, the gods of heaven and earth are special focus of worship, local deities and spirits and worshiped. The shen: beneficial spirits of light places. The kuei: evil spirits of dark places. Animals, and grain are sacrificed to the spirits. Qi is the vital life force within human beings and within nature. Yin and yang are types of energy within the universe and all of life: life may be analyzed in terms of energy comprising of yin and yang. Good health is achieved by maintaining a harmonious balance of yin and yang. Unbalance within yin and yang: leads to sickness and death. Home altar: elders within the community are given special respect in.