PHL-206 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Trinity, Basic Belief, Critical Rationalism

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Questions: what kind of properties are real: ethics. What is morally right or wrong: epistemology. Comes from the greek work episte (knowledge) Descartes- mind and soul not body and brain. Theistic religion- believe in one god: beliefs. God is believed to be all knowing. Major monotheistic groups: judaism, islam, christianity: god is the creator of the whole natural order, christianity. One being of 3 persons: person: god is a conscious / cognitive being. God is the creator of the world. Buddhism: don"t believe in any god, theravada: early buddhism, atheist, god is one who shows the way to nirvana. Brahman: not a personal being, has no desires/wishes/urges. Atman: real self, one with brahman. What is evil: coherence: makes sense, consistency: a belief is consistent when its possible for all to be true at once. Inconsistent- can"t be true at one time: justi cation: defend with evidence or reason, reasonableness, rationality: used in an ethical sense.